Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Last Amazing Golf Day

Well, I'm ready to sign Bill up for the circuit! I wish I had video of how well he can strike the ball!! He has mastered the ability to just "go with it", unlike yours truly, who has to work on just letting the club rip! The big difference between the first day and the last is that we are both FAR better at self diagnosing what went wrong. Bill strikes the ball well most times. I have an easier time on the range but have not come close to mastering or "translating" that same shot to the course. However, I HAVE HOPE! I am much more consistent then I was at the beginning.. So much to think about and remember. However, Bill and I are in total agreement that Guy is the absolutely PERFECT teacher for us. He has such a nice way of instructing and encouraging! Sometimes he says something and you go "Oh my gosh, that is so easy!" Or, "That makes so much sense!" You should be able to see the lightbulb that goes off in your head! Bill and I hope that we can return one day soon for "refresher" lessons. I hope to come back and show Guy how I've improved! Until then, I will be practicing twice a week and continuing to work on my short game ( which at the moment is the best part of my game!" ) Bill is just going to sail along and he'll be on tour in no time at all! :).

I must not neglect to tell you how lovely this Four Seasons Resort is. There is something for everyone here! The landscape is SO different from Florida but just as beautiful in its own stark way! We actually saw a Road Runner dash across the edge of our putting green --- and yes, they do actually go "Beep! Beep". We've had rabbits that are so intent on chewing the tender green grass of the golf course that they are 4' away from you and not the least bit worried. We've seen lots of lizards and we're told the Bobcats come out with their kittens in the late afternoon at this time of year. One other important note, I'm sure the thermometer read somewhere close to 97 F or 98 F, however, the number on the thermometer does not equate to comfort on the course. There was actually a cool breeze on the range this morning. The heat has never been an issue at all while we've been here! What a difference the "dry" heat is from the humidity of Florida!!

1 comment:

  1. The game of golf is not always about the win, but the time you share with your teammates.
    Sounds like you both are winners.
