First, let me catch you up on our last two days in Istanbul! I didn't blog on the 24th because we were gone all day and I had to pack! But, we had a lovely day. Our first stop was the largest Turkey naval museum where we saw many beautiful boats that carried the Sultans on the Bosphorus. We even saw the actual chain which was stretched across the narrow "Golden Horn" on the Bosphorus, to keep the invading Ottomans from sailing into the inlet of the Roman controlled Constantiople in 1453. The Ottomans defeated the Romans because they invented cannon balls and were knocking holes in the defensive walls around the city. However, the Romans were quickly repairing the walls so the Ottomans needed to sail down the Golden Horn with their ships. But the Romans had stretched a chain across this narrow inlet. Overnight, the Ottomans took their ships up on land and carried them over to the other side of the chain and continued their successful invasion and the eventual fall of Constantinople.
After the museum, we had a visit to the amazing Grand Bazaar. It is the oldest and largest bazaar in Turkey with over 4000 shops. Found a few things I was looking for, but mostly just enjoyed the sights and sounds of this exotic ancient shopping center. We met a famous gentleman, called "the Calligrapher" who does the most amazing art and calligraphy on, of all things, dried dieffenbachia leaves. Many celebrities have samples of his art- including the Clinton's, the Bush's and even Bill Gates! His shop is the size of a large walk in closet!
Next stop was the amazing Suleymaniye Mosque, built by Sultan Suleiman I (Suleiman the Magnifiecent). It is an architectural wonder.
After the Mosque, we made our way to the famous Topkapi Palace. It is now a museum that houses a fabulous treasure trove of precious gifts from foreign heads of state to the Sultans over the years. There is also a gallery of the most amazing jewels. The palace itself was built between 1464-1478 and was the residence of the Sultan, his court and his harem. Over 4000 people lived in the Palace at one time. We were able to see the solid gold cradle, two diamond encrusted gold candlesticks that are each about five feet tall and, the piece de resistance, the 7th largest diamond in the world, the "Spoonmaker's Diamond."
On our last morning before we headed to the airport , we walked around the corner from our hotel,to visit the St. Sophia. This was a Byzantine church that was originally built in the 6th century. It was built by Constantine and it was said that under the foundation of the church there are religious relics of part of the crucifixion cross of Jesus and the Crown of Thorns. When the church was destroyed, first by an earthquake and another time by fire, it was rebuilt in exactly the same spot because of the Holy ground beneath it. It was a Christian church for over a thousand years. After the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire, the church was converted to a Mosque and remained a Mosque for the next 500 years. In the 1930's, the Sultan of Turkey dedicated the site as a Museum saying it was such an historic place it should not belong to any one religion. They began to remove the plaster that had been put over the Christian images when it became a Mosque, but they realized they were destroying much of what was under the plaster so they stopped. The Museum is still under renovation.
But now begins the REAL story of the day! The four of us arrived at the airport with our 10 pieces of luggage and proceeded straight to passport control and security. Duffy and Trey were in one passport line, I was in another and Bill in a third. I whizzed through and was waiting on the other side of security ...and I waited....and waited... No one else came through. I finally saw Duffy wandering around on the other side of security and waved her through the security line. When I asked her where Trey was, she said they took him away! Heart stopping! I kept waiting for Bill to show up but he never came through either. Now I'm thinking that Bill saw what happened to Trey and stayed on the other side to try to help. I am running everywhere trying to find someone who could speak English that would help me find out what happened. No one admitted to English except the man at the Information desk. He paged Trey and Bill but that was all. I finally was sent to a policewoman who let me go back through security to talk to the passport officers. I went back to the line Trey had been in but that officer was gone and the guy next to him had no idea what I was saying or talking about. Finally, I spotted Bill on the other side so now we're yelling across the airport. Bill tells me they won't let he or Trey through because their passports didn't have an entry stamp! The police kept saying they had to go back to the Port and get their entry stamp! Thus began the nightmare! Bill yells to me that Trey is on the other side of security with an escort to give us Duffy's passport and boarding pass, so I go running back to find Trey. There are a LOT of people on the other side and it took quite a while to locate Trey. But, I retrieved Duffy's passport and boarding card and kissed him goodbye as he was escorted back!
The MAGNIFICENT Arlene Feen with Pro Travel and Karen from Sea Song Tours are now working on the problem. At first, Oceania was going to fax a letter saying the guys were indeed passengers that had been on the ship and disembarked. That was going to be enough to get their entry stamp. Turns out that couldn't be accomplished right away. The police were still insisting they had to go back to the port, but the ship had sailed 3 days earlier! The boys missed our flight and spent the night at the airport hotel where, I'm told, every time a plane took off, their room shook! The plan was a wonderful person from Sea Song was to take the boys back to the port this morning for their stamp. It seems they thought the police could look at video of the disembarking passengers and that after they would see Bill and Trey, they would stamp their entry. Turns out the video was erased! After that didn't didn't work, I'm not sure what took place except for a LOT of paperwork and negotiations! Also, Bill was the only one who had his bag! They just pulled the last four bags we had checked off the plane! Duffy was ok because she had two of her suitcases and I had her medications. Poor Trey had no suitcases and I had a suitcase with all the summer things and dressy things from the ship, but no makeup, hair brush, warm clothes or any of my electronics to charge my phone or iPad! But Duffy and I arrived safely and are lodged in a magnificent suite at the Savoy! Grant arrived this morning and is napping and Arlene has purchased two new air tickets to get Bill and Trey out of Istanbul and onto London. As I type this they should be (I hope!) on board the plane! This really had the feel of the Tom Hanks movie "Lost in America". It was about a man who spoke no English and came to New York and couldn't get out of the airport because of a clerical paperwork error. He ended up living at the airport for a couple of months while he waited for the government to fix his paperwork issue! I'm sure I will learn more when the guys get here, but oh my goodness.... A family story for the ages! My new heroines are Arlene Feen and Karen, the owner of Sea Song tours who stayed up all night trying to get this issue resolved! We are so grateful to these two VERY accomplished professionals.
PS. I almost forgot! After Duffy and I finally fell into bed around midnight last night, the fire alarm went off TWICE! All I could was laugh! A perfect ending to the craziest of days. Fortunately, the alarms were false and we did NOT have to evacuate!
In the Naval Museum.
Some of the Sultans' boats.
Inside the Suleymaniye Mosque.
Five hundred year old Armenian Bible we saw in the Calligrapher's shop!
The tree was planted when the Mosque was built.
Shopping in the Grand Bazaar.
Entrance to Topkapi Palace.
Entrance to the Palace..
Now THIS is a big sycamore tree!
They say this May be the oldest door in the world..
Blue Mosque is behind me.
Famous shopping street!
We ducked into this old Hotel where Agatha Christie stayed for four months when she wrote Murder On The Orient Express. It is quite close to the Orient Express Train Station which is currently being renovated.
View from our suite at the Savoy which the boys will soon be able to see!
More tomorrow when I get further "juicy details"!